Onychomycosis is the medical name for nail fungus. The disease causes many unpleasant sensations, physical and aesthetic (constant embarrassment, shame, it is impossible to remove shoes or gloves in front of people). It is especially difficult to hide the pathology in the summer. But an unpleasant appearance is only the tip of the iceberg, and people with this disease know how much trouble is associated with it! Today we will talk about the treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies. In this publication you will find the most effective recipes and methods of treatment. But first, let's look at the causes of the disease, because they will have to be eliminated first!
Why does onychomycosis develop?

Fungus is an infectious disease and infection occurs after physical contact with a sick person (shaking hands, using the same nail file and other personal hygiene items, wearing the same slippers, shoes, gloves, socks, etc. ). If someone in the family becomes infected, the fungus can easily spread to other family members.
Fungi are extremely persistent and can wait for a victim for a long time on ceramic tiles, on the surface of the bathtub - this is the greatest risk of disease transmission.
You can very easily get infected with a fungus outside the house in common changing rooms, in a bathroom or in a swimming pool. Infection often occurs in nail salons, as unscrupulous staff inadequately monitor the hygiene and sterilization of the tools they use to perform the work.
But not every person is exposed to the infection. For example, if there are 5 people in the same steam room, only 1 of them or none at all will be infected, even though a carrier has been here before. Why? The issue is a weakened immune system - chronically weak immunity or its deterioration after recent illnesses. Infection occurs at lightning speed; all it takes is a light touch of a bare foot on the floor where the mushroom bearer has walked.
Today there are many effective methods for the treatment of nail and foot fungus. Folk remedies or medications should be used only after consultation with a specialist who will choose the most productive therapy. But you cannot delay your visit to the doctor, as the infection spreads quickly and an advanced fungus will be much more difficult to cure.
Signs of mold

Recognizing the presence of an infectious fungus is very simple. The disease is mainly manifested by the following symptoms:
- the nail plate changes its appearance and color (it can become whiter, yellow, often a green tint appears) and darkens over time;
- with the further development of the disease, the nail plate begins to peel off, then crumble and can completely collapse (the shedding ends at the base, and as soon as the nail begins to grow, it crumbles again);
- Unpleasant itchy and even painful cracks appear on the skin around the infected nail;
- Excessive sweating of the feet, the unpleasant smell continues even after washing.
To quickly stop the development of the disease and get rid of it as soon as possible, you should urgently start treatment for nail fungus. The most effective folk remedies are described in the following content. Under each recipe there will be comments about it from people who have overcome the disease.
Reviews of many pharmaceutical products are mostly not the most enthusiastic. People write that they spend a lot of effort, time and money on treatment, but still the disease continues for years and its development can only be stopped. Another thing is folk remedies! Most people have found effective treatment for nail fungus. They write that all recipes are based on cheap and publicly available products, the disease begins to recede from the first procedures, you just need to follow the recipe and recommendations correctly. Folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus on fingers and hands must be applied correctly; for this it is necessary to remove most of the affected tissue. This is done like this:
- Heat the water to a temperature that is comfortable to immerse your feet in, you can even make the water a little hot.
- Pour three liters of hot water into a basin or bath, mix with 3-4 tablespoons of wine vinegar (if you don't have it, use apple cider vinegar).
- Immerse your feet or hands in the bath (depending on where it is infected). This procedure will relieve discomfort in the form of itching and disinfect the skin. The skin and the affected part of the nail plate will evaporate and can be easily cut.
- Remove as much soaked fabric as possible. The fewer affected areas remain, the easier it will be to stop the infection and get rid of the fungus completely.
Then, you can start treating nail fungus with folk remedies. The most effective, time-tested and human-tested recipes are based on simple and affordable products. We suggest you skip to the review.
Horseradish root

This plant is used in many alternative medicine recipes. Horseradish root is used to fight many diseases, including toenail and toenail fungus. Treatment with a popular remedy from this product is not the fastest, but one of the most effective. When subjected to such therapy, the fungus dies completely, and the growing nails will be healthy! It is necessary to cut off the modified part at the right time, when the nail plate grows, so you will quickly get rid of the ugly look.
The recipe is simple:
- Peel the horseradish root from the upper layer of dark color, grind the rest on a fine grater.
- Apply the paste to your nails thickly and secure with a bandage.
- You need to keep the product on your feet or arms for at least 8 hours, so the procedure is done on weekends or at night.
- Wash your nails.
- The procedure is performed 2-3 times a week.
All those who have experienced treatment with a popular remedy for nail fungus have left positive reviews. They write that the method is effective, helps to cope with the disease relatively quickly and very efficiently. The product is very cheap, and this is also noted in the reviews. The only thing is that it is recommended to pass the root through a fine grinder, as it is inconvenient to grind it.
There are people who advise to wash your feet and hands every day in a decoction of horseradish leaves and horseradish during the intervening days of therapy. They write that this way the disease will go away twice as fast!
Boiling is done like this:
- Grind 2 horseradish leaves, a little root (a tablespoon should be enough), mix, pour a liter of boiling water.
- Leave for an hour, then strain.
- Place your feet or hands in the bath and pour the liquid. Keep your feet in the water for 10-15 minutes.
Treatment of nail fungus at home using folk methods is very diverse, and everyone can choose procedures according to their taste! Here is a popular technique based on coffee. The advantages of the procedures are the spread of a pleasant smell throughout the room! The method is especially useful when you are going to visit, where you will need to remove your shoes. This procedure almost completely eliminates the unpleasant smell coming from the feet affected by the fungus.
What should we do:
- Make natural (strong) coffee - use three tablespoons of ground beans per liter of boiling water.
- Wait for the drink to cool slightly and then pour it into a bowl.
- Place your feet in the coffee and keep them there for 15-30 minutes.
- Rinse in clean water, wipe dry, wear cotton socks.
Do the procedure every evening, and soon the fungus will completely disappear, and the skin on your feet will become incredibly soft.
People's reviews of the procedure are only positive. Some write that at first they were skeptical about the coffee method, they didn't believe it would really help. Reviews say that natural coffee is much more effective than many popular over-the-counter anti-fungal drugs.

Celandine is a poisonous plant, but at the same time very useful for humans. Hundreds of different infusions, decoctions, ointments and lotions are made from it, which help to get rid of thousands of diseases. Celandine is productive in the treatment of nail fungus. There are many popular recipes, including baths, creams and ointments. We have chosen the most effective methods for publication.
The recipe is:
- Move the stems and leaves of the plant through a meat grinder, you will get a paste with orange-yellow-green juice. Work only with gloves, because celandine can leave burns on the skin.
- Squeeze the juice, the cake can be baked in boiling water (5 liters of water are used for half a kilogram of cake, add it to the bath - clean all the skin! ).
- Pour the juice into a glass container, which is suitable for storing in the refrigerator - the shelf life of celandine juice is 4 days.
- Fill a basin with warm water, pour in two liters of water, dissolve 2 spoons of salt, 6 spoons of soda.
- Soak your nails in water for 15 minutes and then wipe them off.
- Take a few drops of celandine juice, mix it with the same amount of water (you can use aloe juice), wet a cotton pad and apply it to the affected nail plate. Close that.
- Remove the disc after 30 minutes. Do not expose it too much, as it may burn the skin around the nail.
The procedure is carried out every day, once in the evening. The course is until a completely healthy nail grows.
In the morning, it is recommended to apply ointment with celandine juice on your nails, you can do it like this:
- Mix two drops of celandine juice in a teaspoon, take twice as much petroleum jelly or baby cream. Mix and apply on the nails.
- Try not to wet your hands for an hour after applying the oil.
According to reviews, the popular drug for the treatment of nail fungus is the most effective, or one of the most effective. The cost of treatment is really cheap, because the plant can be collected from May to September completely free of charge and it grows everywhere!
Tea tree oil
It is a natural antiseptic that helps effectively fight fungal diseases. If the fungus appears on your nails, you will definitely like the treatment with a popular remedy, it is convenient and you can use it both at home and at work.
The recipe is:
- At home, steam your hands thoroughly in a salt and soda bath. If you must use the product at work, then hold your hands under a stream of warm, even hot water for several minutes.
- Apply a drop of tea tree oil to the affected area and rub it in thoroughly until it is completely absorbed.
- Do not wet your hands for at least an hour.
- The procedure is performed twice a day.
Reviews claim that such therapy can completely get rid of fungus in the shortest possible time, and the result is visible after the first day of use. The plaque begins to change color to normal, then only the healthy nail grows.

This is a universal root vegetable that has a very wide range of uses. Thus, it is used to enrich the taste of dishes and to fight many infectious diseases, including nail fungus. Effective folk remedies make the treatment of the disease pleasant (you see how the disease recedes), fast and productive. How to use garlic for treatment:
- Peel a clove or several garlics (depending on the degree of spread of the disease), press with a press or grate on a fine grater.
- Steam hands or feet in baking soda and salt water, wipe dry.
- Apply the paste to the infected areas and secure with a bandage. The compress is kept on the nails for at least 3 hours.
- You should repeat the procedure, as in the case of horseradish, 2-3 times a week.
To speed up the healing process, on days when you don't apply compresses, rub garlic oil on your nail plates once a day.
Reviews of the product claim that its effectiveness is the same as horseradish compresses. Unlike the latter, garlic has a strong smell and then the smell is absorbed into the skin and smells for a long time. But garlic can always be found, unlike horseradish!
Rowan leaves

You can treat the fungus with a folk remedy at home using rowan, or rather, its leaves. The disadvantage of this method is that fresh foliage is only available in warm weather; can't be found in winter! But the effectiveness of the product has been proven by many people and if you need to treat a fungal infection in summer and autumn, it is recommended to try it.
The recipe is:
- A few fresh rowan leaves should be washed well, finely chopped or chopped.
- Mix the chicken with a few drops of sunflower oil (it can be either refined or unrefined, use what you have on hand).
- Apply the product to your nails, apply a bandage, remove after a few hours (at least 3 hours).
- Compresses are applied daily until complete recovery.
Reviews claim that this popular remedy slowly helps in the treatment of advanced nail fungus. If the problem is serious, the fungus is not in the early stages, then it is better not to use this method. As many people write, creams with celandine, compresses with garlic and horseradish help well for advanced infections.
Recipe with hydrogen peroxide
Treatment of nail fungus with a folk remedy is used both in the initial stages of the development of the disease and in advanced forms. The product is very productive and many people write reviews about it. Some people use only peroxide, without additives, while others make even more effective products based on it. We would like to introduce you to one of the recipes:
- Mix in 4 cups of hot water: 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide (3%), 1/2 cup Epsom salts, 1/4 cup 9% vinegar.
- Soak a piece of cotton in the solution, squeeze out a little of the excess, apply it to the injured nail and fix it with a bandage or plaster.
- After 10 hours, change the disk to a fresh one, soaked in the same composition (it must be stored in the refrigerator, it is enough for the whole course).
- The duration of the course is one month, during which the fungus will completely disappear and healthy, smooth and beautiful nails will grow!
Other treatments

What people have not tried to remove their nails from mold! There are simply amazing methods, and they are written about in reviews, which really helps, despite the confusion of recipes! So, you can find the following methods:
- Apply kerosene to the affected area of the nail. Wrap the finger in plastic wrap and keep it there for 15 minutes on the hands and 30 minutes on the feet.
- It is recommended to apply a rust neutralizer, which is sold in automotive stores, on plates that are heavily affected by an advanced form of fungus. I advise you to follow the safety rules: wear gloves when the windows are open, avoid contact of the product with your skin and mucous membranes.
Care of hands and feet during treatment

To quickly overcome the disease, you must follow some rules for the care of the skin of the extremities and nails:
- In the morning when you wake up and in the evening after all the walks, you should wash your hands and feet well with tar soap. This product has a disinfecting effect, fungi will not multiply.
- Sweat creates favorable conditions for the development of fungi, so shoes should be made of natural, breathable materials.
- When treating nail fungus with folk remedies, the fastest results will be if you start treating your shoes with antiseptics every day. Socks, sheets - for one time use!
During treatment, avoid visits to baths, swimming pools, saunas and other places where you yourself can infect someone else. At home, so as not to hurt family members, wear only your slippers, do not let anyone else wear them, do not walk barefoot.
Nail fungus, the treatment of which we discussed at home with folk remedies in the article, is not a runny nose! And to get rid of the disease completely, you need to be patient and follow all the recommendations.
Only if the described conditions are met, effective results will be obtained from the treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies. Photos of the ingredients for the preparation of the medicine are available in the article.